Bachelor of Arts Program in Thai Language
Program primary features
- Providing both Thai and non-Thai students comprehensive knowledge of Thai language as the main field of humanity sciences
- Implanting in conservation of Thai language with a pride of Thai cultures, as well as being logical and positive prospects
- Grounding language fields on principles of Thai language, language usage, literature, language, and literary work relevant to society and cultures.
- Shaping students with all-rounded learners via different integrated sciences relevant to in-dept Thai language proficiently comprehensive communication with expression of Thai people
- Applying Thai language to communicative skills for future careers both in the public and private sectors, either in national or international scales
Thai Language Program, Mahasarakham University
The Thai Language Program is dedicated to preserving and advancing academic knowledge, fostering creativity in language arts, and enhancing communication skills and potential. We embrace technological advancements while upholding ethics, morality, and professional standards. Our mission includes promoting a positive attitude toward preserving and sharing national arts and culture, as well as safeguarding local wisdom for future generations.
Internal Affairs
Division of Planning
Division of Human Resources
Division of Student Affairs
Division of Finance and Facilities
Division of Academic Affairs
Graduate School
Academic Resource Center
Computer Center
Office of General Education
External Affairs
National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT)
Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation (MHESI)
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Undergraduate Programs
Graduate Programs (Master)
Graduate Programs (Doctoral)
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Mahasarakham University
Center of Local Wisdom Learning & Development Building, Khamriang, Kantarawichai, Mahasarakham 44150
Tel : 043-754-369
Ext: 4734 , 4703
Mobile : 089-710-4115
E-mail : [email protected]
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